How Proper Attic Ventilation Extends the Lifespan of Your Roof

Castle Rock roofing companies

When people think of roofs, they usually think of a pitched structure consisting of overlapping panels or of smaller, overlapping components, such as shingles or tiles. However, roofs are much more complex than that – they are systems consisting of many elements essential for ensuring proper performance, including the elements that make roof ventilation possible. Reputable Castle Rock roofing companies stress that no roof can work properly and live long without a solid ventilation system – here is how attic ventilation can prolong the life of your roof:

  • How attic ventilation works – attic ventilation systems consist of at least two vents, one installed at the bottom of the roof and another one installed at the top, right under the ridge. With vents installed in the right position, the air underneath the roof is in constant movement, entering through one of the vents and leaving the attic space through the other;
  • The role of attic ventilation – the principal role of attic ventilation is to reduce the temperature in the attic and to remove excess moisture from the space. The process reduces the temperature of the roof, thus preventing the damage that can appear when the roof becomes overheating and it also reduces the risk of water damage caused by condensation during colder periods, when the building is heated.

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